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Wished you could just click your fingers and be given a road map in reaching more clarity and better understanding of what stands on your way to feel powerful, healthy, fulfilled and successful in all areas of your life. Wished you don't have to glossing over the inner struggles and pretending you have it all figured out. 

Well, instead of clicking your fingers, simply click the buttons below and I'll send you free resources on helping you to see yourself as a powerful creator of your own life, worthy of all that you want and that all you are striving and longing for is already exist within you. You only need to take that inner journey and recognise, accept, respect and re-frame your powerful mind towards a mindset of happiness and abundance without compromising your soft vulnerable life centre - that divine spark - which is naturally inbuilt in you by the Higher Intelligence - The Creator. This life centre is called Vulnerability and that is where your Personal Power resides and awaits to be activated and combined with mind of a winner. 

More Free Tools and Resources

Anatomy Of Emotional Reaction

Emotions are reactions to illusions that are not real. When someone flooded with emotional reaction it is impossible to have objective communication or reach constructive resolution and both parties usually get hurt and there is always real guilt after. 

Imprints Of Past Experiences 

We are relating to the world as early relational objects from childhood. Objects relations refer to the construct or world view that we begin forming before leaving our mother's womb and in early childhood that then forms the basis for all our reality testing that follows in our lifetime. 

What Is Your Creative Thinking Potential 

We are taught through many established educational and societal structures that intelligence and emotional development is something that is endorsed through people and systems that are external to us. This dramatically limits our creative thinking.  



Are You Ready to create the life you have always dreamed of? The life beyond your wildest imagination! How about leading a life that enables you to integrate work, home, health, relationships and other pursuits in harmonious, fulfilled and holistic way? Are you ready to break away from living a SUCCESS RACE, be happy not only ABOUT your life but be happy IN your life? I help Successful Businesswomen like YOU heal 'success wound', maintain high level of energy, build fulfilled relationships, improve health, reach peace and balanced priorities and create abundant life. First step is to stop pretending you have got it all together, stop postponing meeting your needs, stop overstretching your resources both -inner and outer. Start to recognise your worthiness, significance and your inner genius.

Second step is to start honouring your needs by healing past wounds, traumas and re-framing your mind and limited beliefs from being overwhelmed, fearful, anxious and transform your external success into true inner fulfilment that will allow you creating balanced priorities, happy and abundant mindset and holistic view of success. 

90 minutes From Overwhelm To Balance Workshop will help you with this. And you can do it whenever you like and at the comfort of your own home.

Barbara Gutte 

You continue to show the way with your moving forward, your example to all of us. I thank you so much for what you have done for me. I do more of what I do now because of you. Because of words, expressions you have shared. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I look forward to seeing, reading your book. 

Sandra Vasiljevic Berset 

Larisa embodies a rare combination of strength and no fuss down to earth spirituality. Her presence enabled me to feel and release tightly held down emotions while feeling safe enough to do so -not an easy thing for me. After our session I too felt stronger and lighter with a newfound peace in my chest and heart. I can wholeheartedly recommend Larisa, her professionalism; unwavering focus, commitment and clarity are as a gift to anyone searching to heal deep wounding and striving to improve their quality of life. Thank-you Larisa! 

© Copyright Askara- Expression From The Heart 

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